Precise Oscillation – one set speed: The machine has an ankle cradle on the top which oscillates (moves side to side), at approximately 140/minute – a multiple of the average pulse rate (72) and the cerebro-spinal pump rhythm (12) synchronized with your heart rate, blood pressure and spinal alignment – creating a balanced, rhythmic, relaxing wave-like motion throughout your entire body, thereby oxygenating every cell and tissue via blood circulation, thus enhancing your metabolic rate, aiding detoxification via the lymphatic system, and aligning your spine.

Japan ranks as having the highest health level in the world, whereas the US
ranks among the lowest. The Sun Ancon Chi Machine was created in Japan.

Cellular Oxygenation, Detoxification, Spinal Alignment, Mental Focus.Multiple health challenge benefits:
Physical and mental oxygenation increases your energy and focus, raises your metabolic rate, improves your blood circulation and activates lymphatic system detoxification. The mind moves into alertness and mental focus. The very specific one set speed and figure of eight motion of the Chi Machine aligns your spine, regulates body functions and relaxes your body without any stress or effort. Your natural Chi (life force energy), is stimulated and enhanced and the brain moves into an Alpha state which thereby creates a peaceful, meditative state of calmness, mind/body healing and wellness.

The Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine.Goldfish Position: Arms relaxed by your sides, palms down.
Particularly good for releasing tension and relaxation.
Movement of the body – consistent motion energy – creates cellular oxygenation allowing:
- Reduction in muscle soreness, tension, stiffness, body aches and pains.
- Improved flexibility of muscles and joints, more limber – spinal alignment.
- Improved function and regulation of internal organs and body systems.
- Improved circulation of the blood – activated lymph drainage and detoxification.
- Alleviation of stress related conditions – headaches, anxiety, depression.
- The brain shifts into a relaxed Alpha brainwave state – mental calm and focus, physical relaxation.
- Steady weight loss correction if under or over weight, or menopausal.
- Sound, restful sleep – increased energy, a wonderful sense of well-being.
Lack of movement and lack of oxygen results in minor to chronic Illnesses.
Cells becomes cancerous when they receives less than 60% of their oxygen requirement.
75 trillion cells provide your body with the energy to carry out every brain function, body movement and the needs of all your body systems and organ functions. Each cell has only two requirements to produce this energy: a) Nutriment from food intake and b) Oxygen – Exercise (physical movement) fuels the body with oxygen which in turn carries nutrients to the cells.
Oxygen starvation of cells in the body may result in:
Immune deficiency, cardiac symptoms, sleep and respiratory disorders, blood chemistry disturbance, anxiety, intestinal problems, depression, headaches, fatigue, stiff neck, shortness of breath, dizziness and cancer.
Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, showed that the cause of cancer, is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. Simply put,cancerous cells cannot develop in the presence of adequate oxygen.
Benefits for all ages 4yrs to 100yrs:
The Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine is for virtually everyone including extremely busy people, children, athletes, construction workers, military, office workers, drug rehab, the physically challenged, and senior citizens. The Chi Machine ‘work-out’ is done lying down with no pressure, stress or tension applied to any part of your body. NO risk of injury. Heartbeat and blood pressure do not increase. NO stress to your spine, heart, muscles, ligaments, joints or lungs.

Excellent benefits for the frail, physically challenged, seniors, wheelchair bound or bedridden.
Due to its low impact operation, the Chi Machine is extremely valuable to those who through age or physical limitations, can’t exercise. These people in particular benefit tremendously from the gentle massaging effect created by the oxygenating passive exerciser and its assistance in the movement of lymphatic fluid in the body. Physical inactivity leads to depression, disease and decay. The Chi Machine gives back mental focus and energy to those who have ‘lost it’ or need a little help.–
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